Each of our products is original and unique.
Our designs are never sourced from Alibaba, nor picked out of a factory catalog; we invest in our own molds. Every curve, every shade has been carefully curated by us, based on the real-life experience of feeding our 3 girls, their tiny hands, and eating habits. But their dishes had to look good on our table too! Modern palettes for our modern home, no Mickey, no Minnie. Our range has grown along with them – from highchair to school, holiday tables, and camping trips, we always look to the future.
Looking ahead means our designs are functional, pragmatic, and very much “no-fuss” coupled with a commitment to eco-responsible and sustainable materials. Our products are meant to be used and REUSED, by all ages, indoors and outdoors. They are developed in-house with our small team of designers and in collaboration with guest designers. Our signature designs have been recognized by way of various awards of excellence, our most recent, a Gold Junior Design Award for the Best Eco Children’s Tableware Design 2019. EKOBO products are now stocked around the globe and featured in design shops of some of the most celebrated cultural institutions around the world; both a real honor and a testament to the quality of our design.